Our Story

Linemen Lead The Way speaks for itself. Going on eight years in the NFL after five years of college football, we’ve learned that this is a mental game. The mental game for an offensive lineman is different from any other position on the field. They don’t have the statistics that other positions do (i.e sacks, interceptions, TFLs, touchdowns, etc.).

Without that, it’s difficult for the public eye to see the impact they’re making, the importance of the position, and exactly what they’re doing to benefit the team play by play. Offensive linemen are some of the most humble, hard working guys out there. They're a different breed. It’s about time they are recognized for their hard work and are treated with all of the respect that they deserve.

Behind The Brand

Hey y’all! We are Aviante, Jordan, and Brooklyn Collins and we are the founders of Linemen Lead The Way. Aviante is currently an offensive linemen with the Chicago Bears. Previously, we have been with the Minnesota Vikings, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Dallas Cowboys. Aviante and Jordan met at their alma mater, TCU, where Aviante was an offensive linemen for five years. We have such a deep love and appreciation for football and even more so, the jobs of the offensive linemen. We can’t wait to see y’all rockin the gear and supporting our favorite guys!